Where did this year go? It flew past so quickly I missed contacting dear friends, my home office grew piles of paper, my books-to-read jumped into book shelves unread. Someday I'll get around to cleaning and organizing. My book's been published and I've signed and been interviewed, plus I've written the second Niki Alexander mystery, Lost Witness.

This while working a full time job and taking care of newsletter and treasurer duties at Mystery Writers of America. I've made time to usher for lots of wonderful plays at the Alley Theater.
We had a hurricane named Ike. Fortunately, I was one of the few who didn't have any damage. Just loss of food and a few inconveniences while the lights were off for a few days. Nothing like what many of my fellow Texans went through.
Plans for the new year? Write another book and few short stories. Do more volunteering. Stay close to my children and grandchildren. Travel to book conferences and conventions. Visit friends, read books, continue to be a part of the writing community and give back what I can.
I am grateful for my job and the wonderful partners who steer our ship. They work hard and inspire their staff to work with them because of their respect for their employees. They know where they are headed and how to travel the road to get there. Too bad so many bosses and managers out there haven't learned these principles. Maybe our economy would look better if more leaders had integrity.
I am grateful for my family. We're a close knit bunch who pull together. They are my inspiration.
I always feel hopeful at this time of the year. Especially this year when we will have a leader in the White House that will make this country proud. We haven't had that in a long time. Change in good. Integrity is awesome.